Thursday, November 28, 2019
WordPress vs Ghost vs Medium - Which Is Best for Blogging
WordPress vs Ghost vs Medium? There are numerous blogging tools out there, of which WordPress, Ghost and Medium are the most popular ones. Anyone looking to start a new blog can be spoiled for choice here: which one is the better option, after all?Simply put, all three of these options WordPress, Ghost, and Medium have pros and cons of their own. Neither of them is perfect, but each can serve a definite purpose, and depending on the nature of the goal that your blog has, you can pick the one that is ideal for you.So, which one should you go for? This article shall answer the question. First up, let us look at each platform in detail: 1. WordPressFor anyone who is even remotely active on the internet, WordPress needs no introduction. Its the most popular website building platform and content management system out there, with nearly a quarter of websites and blogs relying on WordPress. Plus, WordPress can be used to power a lot more than just blogs: eCommerce stores, corporate sites, photography sites, news portals, and so on.WordPress is available in two flavors:self-hosted and totally free,or hosted by, either as a free site with ads or as a paid site without adsWondering what is the difference between .com and .org here? In the simplest of terms, is what you will download and install on your own server you can customize it with custom themes and plugins, as well as tweak it to suit your needs., on the other hand, is what you run from .com servers directly you can still change themes, but the options are severely limited, and there are no custom plugins to be installed. To learn more, check out this post on the CodeinWP blog.WordPress is well-known for its simplicity and ease of use. If there is one platform from our WordPress vs Ghost vs Medium lineup that is guaranteed not to close its doors anytime in the near future, it is WordPress. Chances are, you cannot really go wrong with WordPr ess if you decide to start a blog using it. It does, however, boil down to what you intend to achieve ultimately using for example, will offer you a ready-made community of users who might wish to follow your blog. However, special elements such as SEO metadata and custom content types can only be had in WordPress.orgNote that WordPress is not truly free in terms of money if you opt for the self-hosted version, the software will forever remain free, but you will have to pay in terms of web hosting. On the other hand, the hosted version is free for basic usage lots of storage and features, but if you need a custom domain or anything fancier, you will have to opt for the paid plans.2. GhostGhost is a straightforward and simple platform that relies on a crisp and minimal user interface. Unlike WordPress, Ghost does not power a wide array of websites; instead, it is purely a blogging platform, and it is meant to be used only for blogs.Ghost uses Markdown r ather than visual WYSIWYG editing, but you can change that by means of extensions. Much like WordPress, Ghost comes in two variants:self-hosted version that is free to download and use,and hosted version on Ghosts own servers.However, unlike, Ghost does not offer a free hosted plan (there is a 14-day trial though); and furthermore, you are not limited in the hosted version in any manner. You can upload your own themes and content by means of FTP, no matter which variant of Ghost you are using.Ghost offers SEO settings and social sharing features in the core itself, so you do not need external plugins for that purpose. That said, Ghosts USP is minimalism, and that minimalism is visible not just in design but also in functioning: you can create and edit posts, and thats pretty much it. Need gigantic multi-author blogs, magazines, portfolio sites? Ghost is not your winner of the WordPress vs Ghost vs Medium battle.3. MediumMedium, the third entry in this post, is less of a personalized blogging platform and more of a community-centric writing tool. In other words, writing on Medium is comparable to having your article in the college magazine or the notice-board, rather than in a journal or diary of your own.Medium defines itself as a community of readers and writers offering unique perspectives on ideas large and small. Thats exactly what it is a platform meant for longform writing and expressing your views on various subjects. Medium is primarily used by serious writers, focusing on highly niche-centric topics. For instance, if you are looking for a post about the evolution of society and civilization, Medium will offer you articles that will have more of Anthropology and less of History; in other words, Medium is mostly defined by the high quality and niche-centric content that is published on its site.Medium is purely a hosted platform, so you cannot download anything, run it on your own servers, or use a custom domain. There are no storage limi ts in place, and the best part is that everything else is free as of now sub-domains, SSL, everything else. Medium also pays contributors directly through their paid membership program. The amount you earn is based on how often people clap for your content, providing extra incentive to publish your best work here.The verdictSo, which one wins this WordPress vs Ghost vs Medium battle?Well, the answer is not direct or straightforward. However, if you are looking for a no-nonsense blogging tool that lets you publish posts, format them, and have a basic setup of social sharing as well as SEO, Ghost is probably the best pick for you. It works straight out of the box, requires no configuration, and is easy to master.On the downside, you should know that Ghost is coded in Node.js and that is not yet commonly supported by many shared web hosting providers. You can, always, go with Ghosts hosted solution, but the cheapest plan is priced at $29 per month and capped at maximum 100,000 page vi ews in a month. This pricing model might not be affordable for many folks who might be wanting to start a hobby blog.WordPress, on the other hand, is universally supported. You can run it on $250 / month cloud servers (or tailor-made managed hosting), as well as on $2.5 / month shared web hosting its your decision where you move your blog. You can also go with free or paid plans. WordPress is more bloated as compared to Ghost, but you can learn the ropes with minor efforts.Also, if you have even a remote intention of someday adding something non-blog like to your blog, say a shop or a forum, WordPress should be your first and only choice.Lastly, Medium is a viable option if you want people to explore and read your work, and leave feedback. Your articles on Medium are mostly put in front of the Medium community itself, and vice versa. But there is no personal insulation in the community model of Medium. Your publications will have links to others articles at the end of the page, and so on.However, if you are on a very stiff budget, Medium can be a life-saver for you. You can map your own domain, tweak the page layout, and host your content for zero fees whatsoever. #WordPress vs #Ghost vs #Medium - which is best for #blogging? Click To Tweet Which of these tools do you use to blog? WordPress, Ghost or Medium? Share your views in the comments below!Free guide5 Essential Tips to Speed Up Your WordPress SiteReduce your loading time by even 50-80% just by following simple tips.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Culture Effects on Leadership Styles and Behavior
Culture Effects on Leadership Styles and Behavior First Entry Effect of Culture on Leadership The article is about the effect of culture has on leadership. Culture may have a great impact on leadership styles and behavior. A hypothesis that appears to support this claim is that certain leadership behaviors are particularly unique to certain cultures. Another argument is that there are certain specific structures or behaviors that a leader should perform so as to be effective, and this does not have any cultural dimension.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Culture Effects on Leadership Styles and Behavior specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These two arguments could be proved by using a Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire as well as a Value Survey Module. Cultural biases may have a significant effect on the leadership of an organization (for example, in the case of a bank). Gender biasness may prevent a female manager from performing her duties effectively. Personality in Leadership There are certain leadership personalities that any leader is expected to posses so as to deliver effectively. A leader should for instance have courage. Courage is the first virtue upon which a leader should depend. All the other leadership qualities depend on it as well. As such, lack of courage would only lead to failure of the management because people hold back and settle for less than their capability. As a bank manager for instance, one may have to take some decisions that might not please all the staff members yet this could be only key to success in the matter is at hand. Any leader ought to have strength and effectiveness. In leadership, strength has a significant effect on the effectiveness of any group. Group focused leadership usually produces group identification hence producing efficiency among the staff. An effective leader needs to inspire the members and pay attention to the specific needs of the group members. Any good and effective leader needs to have the positive trait of integrity. Personal integrity in a leader is a sign of honesty, reliability and trustworthiness. This trait is very vital in any leadership style. When a manager of such an institution as a bank portrays integrity for instance, this helps in shaping that institution. As a result, the manager in question earns the respect of the employees, customers, and other stakeholders of the bank. Given the fact that integrity is an internal trait, it can only be proved by the actions and decisions taken. A leadership that has its basis on integrity makes the employees to feel secure because trust is built between the employees and the leadership, and the organization at large.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More An effective leader also need to exhibit intelligence as another trait of leadership. Individuals with high intelligent quotients (IQs) tend t o be more skilled in management as they enable the other members of the organization to feel at ease while working and they are in a position to balance between their personal lives and work. They tend to be straightforward and help in building rapport between the group members, hence ensuring effective interdependence among the group members. In addition, such an individual is fully aware of his/her strengths and weakness and does not act on impulse. An effective leader needs to have conviction. This is the ability to make a decision confidently, communicate it, and stick to it as well. Before making decisions, such a leader needs to seek input upfront. In addition, it is important for the leader to promote positive, critical and constructive assessment of the available options in open forums. Moreover, the leader also need to make a clear option and justifies the decision. The leader needs to be clear-sighted. The leader should be able to measure the impact that the decisions made have over time. The leader needs to be realistic and not flamboyant. The decisions made should be achievable and not based on imaginations. Second Entry Theoretical Perspectives The Theory of female advantage and diversity dilemmas stipulates that there is prejudice towards the female leaders. This leads to the continued discrimination against those women in top positions. There is therefore need to work towards eliminating such perceptions that are culturally- based and could go a long way to denying those women that have the capability to lead the chances of excising their leadership skills to the fullest. Such women could be having ideas that are transformational. This is attributed to the fact that transactional leadership styles do not differ based on gender. In most cultures, it is always believed that men are the best leaders and women have to act like men so as to be considered as good leaders.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Culture Effects on L eadership Styles and Behavior specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Vecchio (2002) however, in his view of leadership and gender differences, he contends that the male leadership advantage is being replaced by the female advantage assumption which is symmetrical. The masculine male style which is task oriented is being replaced by the feminine style which is people oriented. Gender is usually socially-oriented and the behaviours of the leaders cannot be predicted by the masculine or feminine style dimensions. Each leader usually displays those behaviours that are associated with the respective gender characteristics. According to Cox (2001), gender inequalities only form part of the wider inequality and diversity issues. Diversity poses practical and theoretical dilemmas. Whenever diversity is characterised in a narrow way, the consequence is usually discrimination which may be based on race, gender, or ethnicity. The theories of div ersity usually deal with the consequences of diversity which include ethnographic studies, social identity theory, race or gender studies, as well as organizational demography. Such discriminations may make a leader of an organization not to be given an opportunity to exercise his/her leadership to the fullest. In reality, diversity should be celebrated as it enhances innovation. Dividing stereotypes should be done away with for any leadership to be effective. Margaret Thatcher can for instance be perceived as a female leader who was in a position to lead her country to greater heights during her time as helm in leadership. She was the first female prime minister in the United Kingdom. She worked towards the restoration of Britainââ¬â¢s economic prosperity and she even led her country to win against Argentina in a military dispute concerning the sovereignty of Falkland Islands in 1982. She portrayed leadership qualities, for instance, she was charismatic, believed in self and cou rageous as she did not hesitate to take that leadership position just because of her gender.Advertising Looking for article on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Oriental Glass Ceiling All in all, just like any other leader irrespective of her gender, she had her own weaknesses. For instance, she used the non-consensual leadership style which generated ideal conditions for her overthrow. Cultural factors in many societies usually lead to the exclusion of women from leadership roles. These cultures are mainly defended by traditional groupings. They judge a leader according to the masculinity. Women therefore have to be very strong and work diligently so as to succeed due to such cultural traditions that are discriminative. Organizational diversity is gradually being accepted in the leadership positions at different levels. The different entry barriers for those groups that are restricted are being relaxed particularly by the elite so as to provide equal opportunities for different groups without discrimination. This however is not absolute as progress is still restricted in higher leadership levels in different institutional sectors. Ster eotypical thinking usually ignores the cues of social worthiness. For instance, the fact that female executives usually rate higher on transformational leadership is ignored. Diversity is a potential for superior performances, although leaders have to understand and also deal with the differences. Diversity could be perceived as an opportunity or a problem. The Third Entry Practical Implication All these have practical implications for Australia as a country both to the leaders and the employees as well. It would be a revolutionary stem if at all the discriminative entries to any leadership positions were to be done away with, and everyone e given an opportunity for leadership positions based on his/her leadership qualities, and the ability to deliver and not on the basis of other cultural, racial, ethnical or racial discriminations. Females could for instance be considered for executive positions and other related posts given the fact that they are not just task oriented but people oriented as well. One may for instance base his leadership on task accomplishment and service delivery and yet fail to take into account the workerââ¬â¢s satisfaction. This could only lead to a sad and unsatisfied lot of workers who instead of enjoying their work might in fact be enduring it. The masculinity mindset of many Australians has led to the election and nomination of leaders to management positions just because of their gender. Some of the people elected in such positions may not be able to deliver as they do not have the required skills and qualities necessary for effective delivery in the respective positions. On the other hand, some of those who can deliver have been left out due to the fact that they are female yet they have all the personalities that a leader ought to have. Some of the legislation has also fueled such chauvinistic beliefs of ideas that are irrelevant in the current century. Efforts are however being made to by the government and other organization s to try and stump out gender- based discrimination in leadership as well as other positions. Efforts have been made by the federal government for instance through the establishment of a taskforce that is concerned with the management and leadership skills, with a view to making recommendations for the improvement of managersââ¬â¢ skills. The taskforce addresses gender issues in the management as well. Gender stereotyping has traditionally been seen as a strategy in leadership. The topic is considered critical in the development of management and leadership skills. It is only through addressing such gender issues that greater organizational effectiveness shall be realized. It has been found out by the taskforce that there is reluctance as well as lack of preparedness by the academic and the industrial management in dealing with gender issues. The subject is sensitive and it has not been easy when it comes to dealing with gender issues in the management of different managements of different organizations in Australia including the banks. This has made it difficult for women to proceed with their career as managers. According to the Karpinââ¬â¢s report for instance, it has been observed that women play a minor managerial roles in the Australian economy (Kaprin 1995).. However, this trend appears to have changed in recent days. The taskforce has been relevant as it has researched and established that there are minor differences when it comes to the performance of female managers in comparison with their male counterparts. These differences are concerned with the matters of confidence, dominance, and the sense of security. According to the findings, gender is not very crucial in leadership. In the case of women, it is the issue of opportunity and not necessarily performance when it comes to the comparison between their roles and those of their male counterparts in the management situation. These findings are vital in policy debates. The government is making an effort towards ensuring diversity at the workplace. Acts have also been enacted, for example, the 1999 Public Service Act which requires that the heads of agencies establish diversity programs at the workplace so as to eliminate gender based employment disadvantages. This has proved successful as women are now effectively fulfilling their management roles in the public service. The representation however varies significantly at agency level as men still form a higher percentage of the employees at the management level. For instance, men form 80.1% of the employees at the Bureau of Meteorology, 63.5% in the defense while still at the Medicare they are 80.3%. However women are still not very much represented at the senior levels (Vecchio 2002). Such gender based discriminations only form part of the influences that a culture has on leadership. As much as women are taking up these roles, this has not been easy for most of them, with a number of women witnessing harassment or bullyin g while at the workplace. The issue of cultural influences on leadership could also happen in another form. For example, there are certain cultures which for instance stipulate that a leader must be elderly. Such culture will therefore not be at peace with the issue of youth empowerment, or they may not readily accept a young person as their leader. Reference List Cox, T., 2001. Creating the multicultural organization: a strategy for capturing the power of diversity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Karpin, D., 1995. Enterprising Nation: Renewing Australiaââ¬â¢s Managers to meet the Challenges of the Asia-Pacific Century. (Report on the Industry Task Force on Leadership and Management Skills). Canberra, ACT: Australian Government Publishing Service. Vecchio, R. P., 2002. Leadership and gender advantage. The Leadership Quarterly, Vol.13, No. 6, pp. 643-671
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Trade Diversion and Trade Creation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Trade Diversion and Trade Creation - Essay Example The concept of trade creation and the trade diversion is based on the cost of production and the value of the outcomes among countries or regions. Trade creation arises because of trade deals that occur between different countries that are involved in a spending shift by the domestic consumers. The agreement aims at moving local consumer expenditure from higher cost source domestic spending to a lower cost source partner spending (El-Agraa and El-Agraa, 2007). To clarify the concept of trade diversion, take an example of two countries within the EU that have signed a trading agreement. Taking in country A and country B. Country A households can switch their spending on insurance and cars supplied by its domestic suppliers at a higher cost to those provided by country B suppliers at a lower cost operating in the same market. The primary essence of trade creation is to encourage an upsurge in trade among countries that enter an agreement by signing the trade accord (Laine, 2011). The trade creation also leads to an efficient allocation of limited resources and raises gain in user and manufacturer welfare. Below is a diagram showing both the domestic supply and the internal demand for trade creation in the European Countries. The diagram demonstrates that access to cheaper supplies allows a lower price, which benefits the final consumer. The diagram also shows that a reduction in price that leads to an expansion in demand thus an increase in consumer surplus. The incurred surplus further leads to a net improvement in the countryââ¬â¢s economic welfare. On the other hand, trade diversion is best defined as a change in local customer speeding from a zone of lower cost source to an area of higher partner cost source. It occurs because of the removal of tariffs on the imports acquired from the other partner countries. Trade diversion is commonly based on the existing tariffs on the external imports of the goods and services.
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